- COVID-19: A message to our customers from ICICI Bank Ltd, New York Branch
- The New York Branch is a wholesale bank and does not undertake any retail activity. The New York Branch does not accept cash deposits in any currency.
- It has come to the notice that a spurious email mentions about an authority/instruction received by ICICI Bank from American Bankers Association for redirecting customer’s unclaimed funds with ICICI Bank to an escrow account before redirecting the same to a Federal account. The spurious email looked as if it was sent by an official of ICICI Bank. However, the spurious email had originated from outside ICICI Bank's perimeter.
At ICICI Bank, security of our customer’s information is a top priority. Please visit the Safe Banking section on our website regularly to stay up-to-date on tips to keep your money safe and secure.
Please note, ICICI Bank will never ask for your credential, e.g., password when you call our Customer Contact Centre. - LIBOR Disclosure
Dear Customer,
On Friday, December 24, 2021 and December 31, 2021, the New York Branch will close at 1.00 pm EST. The cut-off time for receiving your transaction requests will be 12.00 pm EST.
All transaction requests received after this time will be processed the following working day. Any inconvenience this may cause you is regretted.
Wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.
ICICI Bank Limited
New York Branch